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Product Design and Strategic Communication, all in one

Within the success of a good product lie various factors and processes that a brand or organization undertakes during a detailed process of conceptualization and creation. We can compare this success to the tip of an iceberg, where the visible part represents only a small fraction of all the work done. Beneath that apparent surface lies a vast process and considerable effort, involving a variety of professional profiles and different stages of development.

In this article we tell you about aspects to take into account during the process of creating a good product design.

But what makes one good product design special as opposed to another, equally interesting design? What are the key factors that contribute to a product’s success as opposed to others?

Strategic communication: a key element in product design

Certainly, we could mention many aspects that contribute to a product’s leap to success, as if it were a pop star; such as product quality, the innovation it incorporates, its unique value proposition, or market knowledge. However, even with these mentioned aspects, without the support of a good communication strategy, the effort put in earlier can be in vain. In this hyperconnected world, communication plays a crucial role in achieving the visibility and desired outcomes for a product.

There are some key elements related to strategic communication and marketing that contribute to the success of a product design that we must take into account before and during its launch to the market:

  1. Positioning: Product positioning is essential to differentiate the product from the competition and communicate its unique value proposition. It’s about how the product is perceived in the consumer’s mind and how it stands out in relation to other similar products. Strategic communication helps identify the key attributes and benefits of the product and effectively convey them through clear and consistent messaging with good storytelling, to increase consumer perception and desire.
  2. Market segmentation: Identifying and understanding the different market segments is essential to tailor product communication and marketing to the specific needs and preferences of each customer group. Segmentation allows for more precise and efficient marketing efforts, ensuring that the message and promotional tactics reach the right target audience.
  3. Integrated communication strategies: Strategic communication involves creating a coherent and cohesive approach to communicating key product messages across different channels and tactics. This can include advertising, public relations, digital marketing, social media, events, stakeholder engagement, among others. The integration of these strategies ensures that the message is consistent across all customer touchpoints, strengthening perception and product recall.
  4. Market research and customer feedback: Strategic communication and marketing also involves gathering information through market research and direct customer feedback. These activities allow for assessing the effectiveness of communication strategies, identifying opportunities for improvement, and adjusting the approach to better meet customer needs and desires.
  5. Brand building: The brand is an intangible but powerful asset that contributes significantly to the success of a product. Strategic communication focuses on building a strong brand, which is based on the identity, values, and image of the product. A strong brand generates trust, loyalty, and preference from consumers, which in turn drives the success of the product.
  6. Integrated Communication into Product Design: If a product integrates into its design a system that enables interaction with potential users, it opens up a wide range of opportunities to establish a meaningful and enriching connection. This increases the likelihood that a product design will achieve the success its developers expect. An example of this is a project we designed and developed at i-mas called Light Cube, an interactive and intelligent ice bucket that connects users of the VIP areas of nightclubs with other customers and workers. Additionally, it offers other services to customers such as 360º photos for interacting with friends or nearby tables.

How do we implement it in i-mas?

At i-mas, we go beyond the simple creation and manufacture of products. Our comprehensive 360-degree approach spans from conceptualization and design to development and production. But we don’t stop there. We also offer a valuable strategic communication service for our clients.

Not only do we help you materialize your ideas into high-quality products, but we also accompany you every step of the marketing process. Our expert marketing team will collaborate with you to design an effective communication strategy, using actions and strategies that will maximize the impact of your product in the market.

From creating a solid brand identity to implementing persuasive advertising campaigns, we take care of all the necessary branding to highlight your new product. Our goal is to ensure that your product is successfully positioned and generates the interest and demand it deserves.

At i-mas, we are proud to offer a comprehensive service that goes beyond production, giving you the tools you need to succeed in the competitive business world. Trust us to turn your ideas into reality and take your product to the next level.

You can see some of our designs at this link.