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Management and corporate culture, pillars for organizations

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Management and corporate culture are two intrinsically linked concepts that play a fundamental role in the success of a company. At i-mas, we are fully aware of this interdependence and emphasize the importance of both pillars in our organization. In this article, we explore the interconnection between these two aspects and the relevance they both have in the creation of a prosperous company.

What is management and what does it manage?

To adequately define the scope of management would require an extensive analysis that goes beyond the space available in this article. However, in general terms, management is framed within the administration of an organization with a special focus on decision-making and strategic planning. Management involves a series of skills and techniques, such as time management, delegation of responsibilities, project management, and effective communication.

But fundamentally, management is about knowing how to manage people. Management is a way of understanding management to achieve results without harming the dignity of individuals. In fact, it seeks to reconcile corporate value, ensuring the viability and profitability of organizations, with social value, which keeps people at the center of companies and considers their needs and well-being.

Likewise, this concept must coexist with innovation in order to create, for example, new products and services. It’s about knowing how to coexist the present with the future. Combining natural intelligence with artificial intelligence, but where the people-machine equation always tilts in favor of people. Innovation must strive to be ethically and socially viable, creating solutions that are beneficial for society as a whole.

Management should strive to ensure that work is an important part of a fulfilling life, so that life in its fullest sense does not just happen outside of our working hours. It is important to seek a balance between work and other areas of life to achieve a fulfilling and satisfying life.

The importance of corporate culture

Good management always relies on people when seeking effective strategies. People are the protagonists of change, questioning their own actions and acting accordingly.

This is where management has the duty to strengthen the corporate culture of an organization. Corporate culture, just like management, is a living ecosystem, constantly in motion. Where values, expressions, different ways of making decisions, understanding leadership, and beliefs are integrated. In a way, corporate culture consists of the shared norms within an organization.

Culture cannot be extrapolated outside of people. It’s true that cities, architecture, offices, a website, a logo, or the various publications of a brand show important cultural traits, but the quintessential cultural expression is embodied by people.

Corporate culture should nurture relationships between employees and leaders. Moreover, it has to positively impact the transformation of all individuals and how they act within companies, how they relate to each other, with their clients, or with their suppliers. Just like management, the best corporate cultures and those that yield the most sustainable results are cultures based on respect. As strategy and innovation consultant Xavier Marcet puts it: “Growing by making others grow is a cultural trait cherished by admirable companies.”

What impact does corporate culture and leadership have on the company?

Corporate culture can have a significant impact on the success of a company. A positive culture can foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration, leading to higher productivity and profitability. On the other hand, a negative culture can lead to high employee turnover, low morale, and a poor reputation.

Management and corporate culture are closely related. Effective leadership can influence the company’s culture by establishing and reinforcing shared values and beliefs. Similarly, a strong corporate culture can influence management by defining the organization’s expectations and norms.

It is important for companies to pay attention to both management and corporate culture. A strong culture can help leaders make more effective decisions and work towards common goals, while effective leadership can help maintain and reinforce a positive culture.

To foster a positive corporate culture, leaders must be aware of the organization’s values and beliefs and work to create an environment that promotes collaboration and innovation. This may involve implementing policies and practices that encourage teamwork, effective communication, and diversity.

Regarding management, leaders should be proficient in decision-making and time management, as well as project management and delegation of responsibilities. They should also be capable of communicating effectively with their employees and foster a work environment where they feel valued and appreciated.

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