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From Market Success to Design Goya: How to Develop an Innovative Product

The Delta Awards, organised by ADI-FAD, recognise excellence in industrial design every two years, highlighting its importance in the creation of economic and cultural value.

This year we were honoured to win a Delta Gold with be-ia, a device that represents the biggest technological disruption in the field of emotional ultrasound and obstetrics. Thanks to innovation and artificial intelligence, we have been able to generate hyper-realistic images of unborn babies, transforming the experience for parents and professionals.

In this interview, Albert Fernández explains how innovation, perseverance and a committed team have made be-ia a benchmark in its sector. Keep reading!

What has it meant for the team to have won a Gold Delta at the ADI 2024 Awards?

We are especially proud of the recognition of effort and dedication, what a team we have! The colleagues in the product design department, together with José Ramón, and the marketing department who did a spectacular job with the corporate image, I would also like to mention the colleagues who shared with us the challenges of the shipments and other challenges. Without all of them, this achievement would not have been possible.

What aspects of product design and innovation do you think have been key to receiving this recognition?

It is difficult to say, the jury’s criteria is unique and particular. But I suspect that it must be a mix between the innovation of the software with Artificial Intelligence, the sensitive sector such as pregnancy, the industrial design of the device, etc.

What impact do you expect this award to have on the future of the be-ia project and the company in general?

For the be-ia project, it would be ideal if it would lead to the production of more units. If the product remains on the market, that would be a real prize. For i-más it could mean a lot of visibility in the eyes of new and current clients, prestige in the industrial design sector that hopefully will open more doors for interesting projects.

Could you share any anecdotes or memorable moments that occurred during the design and development of the project?

There are many, as in all projects. The stress of the day-to-day and the speed of the projects often triggers moments of hilarious humour and good vibes between colleagues. I remember testing the software with images of the team, to test the AI. That’s as far as I can read… It’s a pleasure to work in such a good atmosphere.

How has the be-ia project impacted the industry and what feedback have you received so far?

This device is aimed at a specific area of consumption, which is that of emotional clinics or pregnancy monitoring clinics without clinical diagnosis. In this sense, it has opened up a very important resource for these companies to provide a better service to their clients. The feedback we have received has been very positive. The surprise of seeing the ‘real’ face of an unborn baby is an incredible feeling for the parents.

If you had to keep one learning from this project, what would it be?

As in every project, we always learn a lot of things. In this case, I would like to emphasise the fact that we must not give up in the face of failed tests or mistakes. Do not despair and persevere, we have no other choice. Always go for the next challenge…

i-mas: Your Product Design Company in Barcelona

At i-mas, we are passionate about helping our clients turn their ideas into tangible and impactful products. With over 20 years of experience in product design and development, we are able to offer creative and effective solutions that make a difference.

If you want to know more about the development of be-ia and the details behind this innovative project, we invite you to watch the episode of TOQUE DE INGENIO.

In this episode, we chat with Quim Alcàntara, Albert Fernández and Marina Llimona, the talents that made be-ia possible.

Don’t miss out and discover all the secrets and creative process behind this award-winning device!